Monday, November 28, 2011

Reindeer, Clean & Fluffy

Life on the home front... celebrated my first Thanksgiving. I gave thanks for the bits of turkey that Mom dropped on the floor so she put them in my bowl. That's as deep as my baby brain could go.

The next day we put up our fake tree and decorated the house.
I'd like to discuss this collar thing.
How I best decorate the tree.
I even have my own stocking. I hope Santa fills it with stuffies and treats. After all, I've been a really good boy this year. In the boxes of Christmas stuff, my brother and sister found a dog reindeer costume. hhhmmmm...
I'm trying to wiggle so Mom can't take a good photo.
She found a way to keep me from moving, but the photo is still stupid.
Really? Must we do this?
Let's not discuss this.
(Isabella, "Snicker, snicker.")
Fine. I'm a reindeer. ho ho ho
I'm going onto post tomorrow to see CPT Kimbrell at the veterinary clinic. Madeline decided it was time to teach me to take a shower. I did shower and left her 6 inches to stand. Hey, it was her idea, but I'm clean and that was the point. Then Mom and Madeline dried me like it was spa day. My debut as clean and fluffy.
Girls and hair dryers creep me out. Trauma.
Trying to train Madeline how to use food.
Pose. My Aussie mom made me look professional.
These people are amateurs and I'm not going to help out.
I almost look chubby with my fluffy curls.
My only other news is I'm losing a few baby teeth and getting some grown-up chompers. It's hard to chew - sometimes stuff falls out of my mouth while eating. Between teeth of all sizes and gaps, it's rough to eat. No worries, I still can put down tons of food a day. snarf snarf

Time to get off the computer so my mom can cyber shop for my Christmas gifts.

No Fear!

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