Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm in Hawai'i!

Aloha! Yes, I'm getting all Hawaiian style.

I made it here without incident. Getting me through Cargo Customs on a federal holiday while APEC was in full-swing - NIGHTMARE - for Mom that is. I just hung out in quarantine for a while. They let me out of my crate for a bit. Then Mom, Madeline, and Matthew came to get me and my adventures continued. I think I'll use photos as I'm a man of few words.

Here I come! 

We're off airport property now so I can come out of my crate.
Where am I????

OK... I'm not home so I'm not interested in getting out of my crate.
Make me.

You made me.

OK. Cool, green grass is not so bad.
I'm still not so sure about this place though.

Mom is happy to see me. My brother says I'll be alright and this is a good place.
I'm still not sure I want to be here so I'll just stay on this spot.

Sister? Oh, you love me! I can tell.

Madeline hopes I'll find a place to make shi-shi
while I stretch out my legs.

Didn't work out with Madeline.
Now Matt hopes stretching my legs with a short run will help me go.

Matthew loves me.

Not a glamorous way to sit, but it's comfy.

Jus' da bruddahz kickin' back on da grass.
Man moment.
Brotherly bliss.

One, two, three, Spam musubi!!!
(It's local style for one, two, three, cheeeeese!)

What do you have?

Yes, yes, I love kisses!

Two minutes into the drive home and I was passed out.
Madeline even picked my legs up and dropped them
and I was like a dead thing. I think two Fridays are too
much for anyone, especially a toddler.

I had a choice to get to know that wiggly, in-your-face, yellow thing that
they call Isabella or pick up poo. You can see what I chose.

Isabella on a leash so she wouldn't be all over me.

Our first meeting. Things could have gone better, but we survived.
It's been getting better since then.

Mom and I are rocking in the chair. She thinks it's funny
that she can pick me up and I fit in her lap. Won't last for long!

Matt wanted to cuddle too.

Exhausting day.

The Borzoi stretch shows off my tummy freckles.

I like bones. I really like bones so I keep a spare.
Mom says it's a toddler thing - what's mine is mine, what's yours
is mine, if I want it it's mine, if you want it it's mine...

Mom says my stink eye is amazing for such a cute boy.
Gotta have good stink eye to keep two bones so the other person has none.

Mostly I'm very comfortable and relaxed here. I've eaten, had food, taken lots of naps. No sounds, movements, or things rile me. Well, one exception: I'm not a big fan of stairs and the main living area is upstairs. This is a big problem. The problem is I don't like stairs yet I have to go down them to go out. Madeline quit trying to make me walk and she carried me down them. I think these family people might actually be my staff. 

Since these photos were taken, I've been really good. I made shi-shi by the plant... in the dining area... that is made of plastic. Hey, I was on the right track and I just didn't want to go downstairs. Ultimately, Mom dragged me down the stairs and out the door to finish in a more appropriate place. I didn't. I was done. 

I did explore the yard once I was out there and realized that no matter where I went, my family was always right where I left them. That was comforting so I started to go farther and for more time. I'm brave. After all that activity I went back to sleep. My family is starting to see the pattern.

In fact, my eyes are feeling droopy again... goodnight.

Kolchak XVI
King of the Wolfhounds

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