Monday, November 14, 2011

Teeth and dirt... Day 4 and 5

My confidence is growing. Isabella (my 4-legged sister) and I play together now that I'm used to her and she's calmed down... a LOT! I'm ready to show off my ferocious side.

Don't even think about taking my bone.

You can hear my teeth "click, click" when I take a chomp... and miss.

I'm so gonna get your ear!

The ferocity of this Wolfhound knows no bounds...

Just kidding! ha ha ha

My toy. I like this toy.

More toys. I like more toys.

Toys, toys, toys! There is no such thing as too many toys!
I particularly like this stuffy because Isabella likes it too.
We each got a new one today and she's not very good at sharing.

Playing with toys wears me out. Mom's mat is just like the red one. 
I do like this one for the easy access to my water bowl. 
I don't even stand up to drink when I'm really tired.  However, Mom moved the bowl
because I would get my feet in it when I slept. I left mud footprints on the cupboard and wall.
Dog art.

Isabella and I played in the dirt today. Can you tell?
We like to chase each other and wrestle.
The brown and red dirt turns into a dust cloud.

Mom is glad for my short tail - less to get dirty, less to clean.
Isabella and I also have spotty mud on our necks and chests
where we nibble each other and then dirt gets mashed into the spit.
Makes excellent dirt clods when dry.

I got Isabella's stuffy. (ssshhhhh...)
My family was laughing at how I was laying.
I can't see what's so funny.

(Although I admit my white tail is still rather brown.)

I'm hungry and tired. This satisfies both.

Now I have Isabella's tennis ball. I need a nap, but I need to guard this thing....
and all the other stuff. It's tough trying to keep track of all my toys.
I meet my first Wolfpup and his pretty mom today.
She smells nice. I like this job already.
(Mikah and Jennifer O'Hare)
Auntie Jenn brought Kolchak XV's ashes home today and my family was sad. Mom hugged me a lot. I even got to lay on her bed (sssshhhh... don't tell Dad. I was on his side.) to help her feel better. 

I'm still waiting to go to the beach. My first vet appointment isn't for another two weeks. Bummer. They must be very busy at the military vet. The nice thing is the first available appointment is with CPT Kimbrell. She took the best care of my brother and predecessor, Kolchak XV. I know she'll be good to me. Anyway, Mom won't take me to the beach until I have my flea and tick repellent, heart worm prevention, and Bordatella immunization. I know she loves me and wants me healthy, but I reeeeaaaalllly want to play!

Pant, pant... running after Isabella is tiring!
Just look at all this dirt to play in.

I'm showing Mom the dirt glob on my neck.

Close up of my permanently dirty nose. I don't know how it gets this way. 

Killing the squirrel stuffy.
I like the crunch it makes.
Being a puppy is fun and a lot of work. I sleep a lot in between playing with Isabella or getting pets and cuddles from my humans. My favorite is getting a tummy rub before or after a nap. Aaaahhh....

Much aloha, 
Kolchak XVI
King of the Wolfhounds


  1. I am Josh, and I love seeing the new Kolchak! I was the caretaker for Kolchak XII from 2001 to 2003, and my Borzoi, Arlene, just keeps me from going crazy missing him!

  2. Kolchak....I know you had a great Thanksgiving with your new family and I'm glad you were there to comfort your mom on that sad day when she was missing Kolchak XV

  3. YAY, Josh! You're a Borzoi addict just like my family and the Wolfhounds. And yes, Jane, I gave her my first kisses. My timing is impeccable. We also had guests over so I got to enjoy extra food on the floor. Now I see why we are to be thankful.
