Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Welcome Home, Chalk 5!

When my dad came home as part of Chalk 5, I found out my work has some benefits. As I said in my previous post, CSM Higgs took me back behind the camo curtain to see my dad and more Wolfhounds. These are the behind-the-scenes photos taken by an army person.

Treats for posing with a some Wolfhounds and a troop of sweet Girl Scouts.
(I would have done it for free.)
Lots of pats for me!!!!
This is one of my fringe benefits I enjoy most...
second only to food.
My mom let me wear Kolchak XV's Kolchak Kollar to work so it was my first official event. I was so honored. I hope XV looked down from the Rainbow Bridge and was proud of me.

I hear there are more Wolfhounds returning this month and Dad said he'd take me to see them. Hooray! I can't wait.

Off to sleep in the bathtub.

No Fear!
Kolchak XVI, King of the Wolfhounds

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