Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dog days of Spring

I don't want to leave you with the impression that I'm always busy. That's just usually when photos are taken. Most of the time, you'll find me relaxing...

I'm a pillow.
I might have been digging in the coral to get under the fence to reach the banana trees.
OK. I was.
"Dad, you know I'm your favorite."
I found a new place to nap.
My people keep disturbing me here to take a photo.
Would you please leave me alone?
NOW what do you want?
(Apparently, to take yet another photo.)
It's all about the tummy rub.
My human sister, Madeline, enjoying her dog pillows.
And we enjoy being pillows, because we get to be on the couch.
Now off to sit on my bed while my people have dinner. I'm getting better at it.

No fear!
Kolchak XVI

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