Thursday, March 1, 2012

Return to "normal"

Back to normal! I'm all healed up and back to my old self again. Well, more like my puppy self again since I'm not really old. Didn't take long.

My family was given some baby gates so now I don't struggle to stay out of the kitchen. I'm gated out. My world has become smaller. No more counter cruising for me. I had my last bit of scrambled eggs last week. Bummer. 

Outside though, it's far more interesting. We have trees now! I particularly enjoyed the banana trees until mean ol' Mom put a chicken wire fence around them. Apparently, one should not strip the outer layer off the banana tree, scratch the trunk, or tear down leaves. Picky ol' broad. There went half of my fun. I'm trying to dig my way in again by going under the fence. Sadly, my dad will fix that and banana trees will no longer be my toys. I'll still have the palms I nibble and a bunch of leftover sticks from removing the rubbish tree. Someday, when my puppy phase passes, my family will relive these memories in joy. For now, they keep putting up fences - inside and out.
Six days after my surgeries, I'm out in the yard helping to plant ti trees.
There's nothing so lovely as the feel of freshly turned dirt.
Waiting in my bed for dinner to be over so I can help clean the floor.
That's my contribution to housework.
My sister, Isabella, and I guard the house from ferocious letter carriers,
neighborhood boys, and the occasional stray cat or dog.
Imagine how effective we'd be if we were outside of the house!
The evidence that I was the one investigating
(some call it making holes)
in the monkey pod tree pots.
Investigating makes a tired Kolchak.
What? I caused no harm.
What? I'm not on the couch.
See? Front feet on the floor.
I don't know who owns those other two feet that appear to be more on than off the couch.
Either way, Grandpa is happy to see me.
Just chillin'.
(Those ottomans help me in my stealth mode to get on the couch.)
Movie night.
I've got the best seat in the house
because it includes tummy rubs.
I FINALLY got to go to work again!!  My dad returned home last night. He was waiting behind that camouflage curtain. CSM Higgs came out to get me for Dad since he missed me so much. I got to see Dad and a troop of Girl Scouts. My cute face didn't score any pizza from soldiers though. Dad said no. Party popper. 
CSM Higgs bringing me back to Mom.
See the band back there? It was my first time hearing one. Surprisingly, I liked it.
While we waited for the soldiers to arrive, I met lots of nice people. My favorite was a girl that fed me graham crackers. She was my height and so cute. Kisses on my nose and treats are the way to my heart.

My family together again. Normalcy finally.
(If they were ever normal in the first place!)
We're still waiting for the return of the rest of my Wolfhound family. I can't wait to meet them! I can't wait to go to work more often. Wolfhound life is for me!!

No Fear!
Kolchak XVI
King of the Wolfhounds

1 comment:

  1. You & the Mom Boss should check out Lots of great ideas to help a young fella like yourself learn how to do the right thing & stay out of trouble.
    Here's to more ear rubs & tummy rubs!

