Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wolfhounds keep arriving!

March 26, 2012 brings more Wolfhounds home! Hooray!!! It's 2:00 a.m. booooooo

Aloha and good way-too-early morning my Wolfvets.
Good morning, Chaplain.
Here are my heroes!
Lots of pets for me! Almost makes O'dark hundred worth it.

Meetings are boring. At least someone noticed I needed love.
You know, boys, there are snacks in the hangar. The cookie ladies are the bomb.

Good morning!
Showing my sheep tail to the camera.
(ha ha You can't see it.)
What's that awful smell?
It's either the hale lua (outhouse) or you guys after days of not showering.
I finally get to meet Phil (left). He's my brother's adopted soldier.
We prayed for him for the entire deployment.

Get me out of here. It's time for snacks or going back to bed. 
Do you think anyone will notice if I sneak off?
Lost in a sea of camouflage legs.
Oh, yeah... right there.

This way, Phil, this way. 
What? You've never seen a dog drink out of a coffee cup?
mmmm.... refreshing.
I... er... um... We make our entrance into the family waiting area of the hangar.
You smell MUCH better than the boys back there!

I get to meet Kenzie Bello,
the daughter of my sister's adopted soldier and the smiliest baby ever.
We prayed for her dad every day too.
A calm person in this storm of excitement.
Tweens and teens are great wolfpups - just larger.
Calm or tired?
It's hard to tell when it's not even close to being the crack of dawn.
I'm reading the sign Kenzie and Jamie made for Joe.
I may be cute, but I think I'm their second favorite Wolfhound.
They are waiting for #1.
Is the candy lei for me or your soldier?
You're cute and I see food down there. Choice, choices.
I choose food.
(Rats. Dad didn't let me eat it.)
I'm still working the crowd.
Pay off!
Smiles at O'dark hundred are adorable.
I hear something!
Our heroes have arrived!
The Pledge of Allegiance. Some folks don't even know what to do.
My paw doesn't reach to my heart or I'd put it there.

The flag in the hangar is enormous.
I wait to meet Joe while he hugs Kenzie and Jamie.
Reunions rock!

I feel like I've met these two before.
Never hurts to suck up to Wolfvets as often as possible.
Photo ops with reunited families are another favorite.
Neck rubs... one of my favorites.
Ear scratches... another favorite.
OK... I'll confess. Any pets are my favorite.
Time to go home and the sun isn't even up yet.
These guys and gals were worth it.

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