Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ladies & Gentlemen (Vet and Wolfhounds)


Oh, my morning started early and was jam packed with good things. Up at 0600, leave at 0700,  vet at 0800. Phew....
I remember these boots.
Mom, it is sooo early, but I'm glad you brought me to see the nice lady.
I'll let the ladies do anything - even peek into my ears,...
... check out my choppers, and...
...listen to my heart go lub dub.
Mahalo for taking such good care of me, CPT Kimbrell!
I got some booster shots and I weighed myself. At five months old, I'm up to 46.8 pounds - that's 3.6 pounds gained in 14 days! No wonder I eat so much. I'm a growing boy!!

After the vet, my mom took me to visit my colleagues - the Wolfhounds. First, I went to 1-27 and this time Mom remembered the camera. 
Nice to meet you!
Thank you for coming down to my level, Swanigan. 
I liked this in the stairwell of 1-27. It reads:

I am an American Soldier.
I am a Warrior and a member of a team.
I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained 
and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.
I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of 
the United States of America in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.

Yes, I am!

For breakfast you had...
Give me food = you are my friend
I like it here!
Are we battle buddies, Peterson?
My buddies and me!
(Peterson, Carter, and Shelstad)
Well, hello there, Murdough!
I live for tummy rubs.
I know it doesn't fit my tough guy image, but they are so nice!
Tummy rubs = you are one of my best friends
More Wolfhounds! I love it here!!
In case you're wondering, yes, this is a super job.
Will sit for food.
Um, I'm still sitting.
Where's the treat?
Two photogenic Wolfhounds.
Aren't we cute?
So, Tao, you also smell like food.
Where are you hiding it?
Loving me is better than food.
The feeling is mutual, Tao.
Ah, I'm so comfortable here with my new friend,
I'm going to take a nap. It's been a long morning.
Meeting CSM (Command Sergeant Major) Higgs for the first time.
He knows how to give a soldier a good rub so I lean on him.
Yes, CSM, I'll be a good Kolchak.
You're nice.
Mom woke me up so I look crabby.
I just got my first coin from CSM Higgs!
It's big so go on and challenge me.
Working in the office. I need a desk.
Can you see me?
After 1-27, we went to 2-27. I was tired. Still, it's worth staying awake to go to work.
Nice to smell you!
I love you, Kelly.
Yes, I may have been snooping in his rubbish bin.
Nothing in it of value.
Uncle Dan?
Where are you?
I've heard you're alright.
Grandpa Royce?
You're not here either.
Rumor has it that you're alright too.
No matter where I go in Wolfhound World,
I get loved and I love them.
Including you, Carney.
Now here's a pretty Wolfhound.
I'm just going to hang out with Smith.
We went to Clothing & Sales to buy some Wolfhound unit crest pins for my Kolchak Kollar. I need a smaller one until I grow into my brother's old one. After that, we finally went home.
Madeline, I'm completely exhausted and you choose NOW to take a picture.
Back to sleep.
(That's my food can back there.
I eat a lot.)
Madeline. You're still here.
Good dog.
The front of my very first coin.
The back of my very, very first coin.
It's a little old because it was made before I was born!
It reads:

Awarded for Excellence


LTC Brown
Wolfhound 6
Regimental "thingy"
CSM Higgs
Wolfhound 7

Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation New Dawn
22 June 2010 - 23 June 2011

Thank you, CSM Higgs.
I see you eyeballing my coin.
It's mine.
(I'm a toddler.)
I think that's it.... very long blog today. Now I'm extra tired. I'm going to go back under the kitchen chair. I like it there. 

Kolchak XVI
King of the Wolfhounds

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