Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rain then pain

As you know, it's been a while since I blogged. Here's what I've been up to...
Checking out the view of the neighbors' dogs from our deck.
Every neighbor around us has more than one dog.
My family likes when I look broken.
I like laying on the rug.

The final stuffy out of my care package from Frank and Amy.
Army dog.
We enjoyed him.

I see stuff!
I'm shaking Army dog so fast, you can't even see me!
The more stuff, the better.
(Mom would like me to mention that she feels quite the opposite.)
He's in enough pieces now that we can share arms and legs.
... unless I see Isabella has a limb that I want.
Army dog was no match for us. Ten minutes until he was stuffyless.
We still play with his outside and my human brother had to
clean up his insides. I don't think Matt likes stuffies either.
Winter finally set in to our desert climate. The rain softened up the ground enough to do some gardening. While my mom and siblings moved and planted some trees (snacks), Isabella and I enjoyed the mud.

What? It's time to come in?
No thanks on that shower thing.
We'll wait here until we dry.
Really? I can't spend the night here?
If you would remove these pavers from the
hole I dug, I could sleep in the cave.
Well, I am kinda cold... and there are chunks of stuff
wedged in-between my toes... and I would like some dinner.
OK... I'll take a bath.
That was the day before the day that changed my life. I was "altered." Altered sounds nicer than it felt. No one asked me. I'm stitched on the inside, glued on the outside, with a 1/2 inch cut. I also got my stomach tacked - not my preference, but the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for military dogs. It's not as bad Mom thought because Captain Kimbrell (my nice vet) uses her fingers like scopes to operate inside of me without opening me wide. My booboo is only about 2-3 inches long, stitched inside, and glued on the outside. All my stitches dissolve so I don't have to go back. Here's when I came home. 
I tried to lick my booboos so my mean family put the tube of shame on me.
It's better than the cone of shame, but it was just as ineffective.
With a schnoz like mine, there's not much that can keep me from reaching what I want. 
They took it off since it didn't work and I was a good boy and left my booboos alone.
Then I took a nap.
I slept the rest of the day.
I want out.
I don't recommend it.
The day after my surgeries, I felt much better. I wasn't allowed to eat all I wanted. It was rationed. That was the bummer. On day three, I was let out of jail, off pain meds, and back to my old self... so I am watched... all the time.... everywhere I go. I don't get to run or play until Wednesday. That's just cruel to me (and my family that have to keep me from being a puppy). 

That's it. I'm healing and waiting for the rest of my Wolfhounds to come home from Afghanistan. Haven't been to work in ages. Guess everyone is busy with... work. When Dad comes home, he'll take me. I can't wait!

Until then, NO FEAR.
Kolchak XVI